Kelowna’s “Best Cosmetic Clinic” is looking for excellent people
Are you looking to build your medical aesthetics career in an engaging, comfortable and rewarding environment of wonderful patients and friendly colleagues? Looking to enjoy a wonderful team culture, beautiful clinic with top-quality medical equipment and career development opportunities? We just might be the right fit for you.
Why us? Caring about people and doing meaningful work.
The feedback we receive on why people want to join us, love working here, or had an amazing experience working with us? The work that we do. Finding solutions for very real, very tangible problems that our patients struggle with every day is incredibly powerful, motivating, and rewarding. We feel privileged to be working on issues that impact people’s lives and feelings in such a positive way.
Dermatologist or GP with an interest in Cosmetic Medicine
Physician Wanted
Kelowna, BC, Canada – please contact us if you are a superhero in people skills… AND an accredited Canadian medical doctor, experienced with cosmetic medicine and/or dermatology, and interested in working / living in the beautiful Okanagan.
If you are not experienced in cosmetic medicine

We respect your privacy and all correspondence is confidential.
(Please resist phoning about potential employment unless you have applied for a posting and we have called you – thanks in advance for understanding.)
*BEST COSMETIC CLINIC: voted one of the Best Medical Cosmetic Clinic in the Central Okanagan, in KelownaNow and/or Okanagan Life Magazine’s annual poll, more times in the last 10 years than any other clinic!